
Posts Tagged ‘Alessandro Cusimano’

Alessandro Cusimano

In Issue 7 on July 15, 2011 at 11:39 am

Excellent Madman

I have an iron will

proof that the gimmick can work

from the human to the animal
from darkness to light

in my note-books I sketched the abyss
the dung heap of inequality
the beast moves into the mire of Eden

my personality is fading away
rubbing the impalpable
overcoming my resistance

able to live everywhere
to improve in the everywhere

policy and carelessness
skinned apartments
rotten wood of worm-eaten chairs

shackling is a form of burial

reason and unconsciousness
my devotion to these two sisters grim
if only I could find a way
to deal with them

without turning away from myself
from the unreasonable friend

from the excellent madman
towering above
locked up
image finds truly exceptional mirrors
revealing the animal to the same beast

at least for the time of a glance

the taste of a ripe melon
is the meaning of a moral dilemma

everything at once


Alessandro Cusimano was born in Palermo, Sicily, Italy, on July 2, 1967. He lives in Rome, where he is jewelry designer, writer, poet, translator. Son of a painter and a teacher, his life was marked, very young, by recurrent and painful bouts of depression. Nevertheless, this does not detract him from research and study of narrative techniques, his poetic style; with a special focus on visual arts, from painting to cinema, from photography to theatre, lived with deep introspection. Anarchist and visionary, painful and surreal, his works reflect on anxiety, crush conventions and illusions, proclaiming, with a barrage of words, that life is, by its nature, a scandal. An unconventional path, funny and desperate, populated by staring puppets and strange creatures whose life unfolds between sarcasm and resentful emotion.